2014: Bring It On!

2013 was a good year.  A great year, actually! We paid down a lot of debt, I discovered the world of subscription boxes, we added a sweet daughter to our family...the list really does go on! So, I'm more than excited to see what 2014 is going to bring us.  In just 3 short days I've already gotten a little sneak peek at the possibilities, but I'm not letting any cats out of the bag just yet ;)

Instead, I thought I would jump into the world of goals and resolutions.  I'm going to be honest, I'm not usually good at sticking to these things.  Is anybody really? But I want to make these things happen.  So, here we go...

My 2014 Goals & Resolutions
In no particular order...

1.  Go to the Chiropractor:  My spine has been out of whack since I've had my Son.  That was three years ago and I've since had my daughter.  It's time!

2.  Go to the Dermatologist:  There are a couple reasons I need to go.  The first is I have all these super annoying dry patches that hurt like crazy.  I've tried creams and lotions and ointments.  Nothing is working.  The second is to have some moles (ewww, I hate that word!) on my back I need to have looked at.  I'm scared as all get out, but this must happen!

3.  Read 50 books:  I used to love reading, but stopped long ago for no particular reason.  I'm ready to pick it back up.  Why 50? No clue, just sounded like a good, round number :)

4.  Have 14 date nights with the Hubs:  We need to get back to us.  Not just the parents us, but the I love you to the moon and back us.  Date nights will help.  We are going to have to get creative since the little one refuses a bottle, but they need to happen, pronto!

5.  Have 14 family days:  Museums, aquarium, zoo, park...doesn't matter.  Just 14 days where we shut out the rest of the world (TVs, phones, computers) and spend all our time together.

6.  14 "dates" with Cinco:  14 random days where I take him out for some good 'ol Mommy and Son time, just us.

7.  14 "dates" with Ellie:  Same as above.  She's still a baby, but I think it's important for us to have some alone time together.  Plus someone needs to teach her how to shop ;)

8.  Take Cinco to the dentist:  He is (almost) 3 and never been ::hangsheadinshame::  Not gonna lie, I am terrified on how he will do with this, but I cannot put it off any longer.

9.  14 "me" days:  I'm a work-at-home Momma.  That means I spend 24 hours a day with my kiddos.  I love it and I love them more than words.  But, I need a few moments to just be alone.  To go shopping without hearing 100 "I wants", enjoying a pedicure...just some time to myself.

10.  Start Cinco in the School Skills class:  He is almost too old for his current Gymboree level and this is the one that follows.  It's twice a week for 3 hours.  Without me there.  I'm worried how he will do, but I know it's important for him to learn to interact with other kids and listen to other authoritative figures.  I think this will help him prepare for pre-school.

11.  150 Tot School Days with Cinco:  This goes along with helping prepare him for pre-school.  150 days at home where we have a "home school" of sorts.

12.  Enroll Cinco in pre-school:  No explanation really necessary :)

13.  Enroll Ellie in Gymboree:  We started Cinco when he was 6 months and it helped him with his mobility by leaps and bounds.  I'm hoping to start her around the same age.

14.  Complete 14 Pinterest Projects (not recipes):  I have over 2,000 pins on Pinterest.  Wanna know how many I've actually utilized? Around 10.  Yep, it's true.  No need to spend time on there if it doesn't result in something!

15.  52 Pinterest meals:  Same reasoning as above.  Plus I want to expand my cooking abilities and this seems like a good way to do it.

16.  52 blog posts:  I'm infamous for starting blogs...and then they just sit there.  Not this one!

17.  Make 14 photo albums for us:  I love taking pictures.  Like LOVE it! But, then the pictures just sit on my hard drive taking up space.  Sure, I make photo albums for others as gifts all the time.  Know how  many I've made for us? One.  Time to make that wedding album.  P.S. We've been married for 6 years in May ::blushes::

18.  Instagram 365:  Project 365.  In Instagram form.

19.  Ellie 365: Project 365.  Of Ellie.  With a real camera.  I did this with Cinco when he was a baby and love looking back on how much he changed in a year.

20.  Cinco 365:  Same as above.  With Cinco.  Haven't done this since he was a baby.  Regret it.

21.  12 new camera tips:  I love to take pictures.  Now it's time to improve my skills.  My hope is to find a new tip at the beginning of the month and utilize it the rest of the month on my Project 365s.  Guess I better hurry and find  my January tip.

22.  Put Cinco (and Ellie?) in swim lessons:  I always talk about it.  This year it will happen.  He loves the water.  Need to teach him how to swim.  Safely.  Debating if I should put Ellie in or wait until next year...

23.  24 Library Story Times:  I used to take Cinco to the library all the time.  I re-introduced him to it right before Christmas and he fell in love.  

24.  6 no spend weeks:  Oy! I've tried these many times before.  So, it almost seems like I'm setting myself up for failure making a goal of 6.  But these need to happen.  We need to cut out more debt.  I need to stop boredom spending.  We need to cut back on going out to eat.  And.  And.  And.

25.  Complete Couch to 5k:  I've also attempted this before, but ended up quitting.  This will not happen this year.  I want to be a runner.

26.  Run an official 5k race:  This will keep me motivated to complete C25K.

27.  Complete 30 Day Shred:  Another thing I quit.  No more.  Not the example I want to be to my kiddos.  Plus I desperately need to lose weight and get in shape.  I'm running out of time to use the "I just had a baby" excuse ;)

28.  Elllie's 1st Birthday Blow Out:  We did it up big for Cinco's 1st Birthday.  I want to do the same for my Ellie girl.  I may or may not have already started planning ::cough:: Minnie Mouse Picnic ::cough:: By the way she is only 4 months.  Ha!

29.  Pay off WM CC:  A stupid credit card that needs to get paid off.

30.  Pay off OB CC:  Another one.

31.  Pay off C1 CC:  And another one.

32.  Pay off BB CC:  Yep, another one.

33.  Pay off Discover CC:  The last one.  Ironically enough, the first one I opened many years ago.

34.  $500 in joint Savings:  I know that doesn't seem like much, but we are horrible at saving.  This is a good start.

35.  Deep clean and purge every room and closet:  18 total.  Get rid of the crap!

36.  24 Intentional Acts of Kindness:  It's the least I can do for all the blessings I've been given.  Plus, I want to teach my kids to be grateful for what they have and that others aren't so lucky.

37.  Go to Kansas:  Need to visit my family.  Haven't been home since my niece was born over a year ago.

38.  Write a letter to both Grandmas:  Let them know they are loved and I think about them.

39.  48 Open Gyms:  These are included with our Gymboree charge.  Need to take advantage of them.

40.  Decorate living room:  Really, need to decorate the whole house.  I will start here.

41.  Establish skincare routine:  I'm horrible at washing my face.  And putting on lotion.  And all that other stuff.  I have enough subs that I have plenty of things to start with.  Make it happen!

42.  Weekly empties:  This combines purging the crap and utilizing the sub box stuff.  At the beginning of each week (Sunday) I will choose 7 items to use until they are empty.  The next week I will choose items to replace any that are empty, so might be 7 new items, might be 2, might not be any yet.

43.  26 Surprises for the Hubs:  He works so hard to provide for us. He is an amazing father.  He compliments me daily.  He deserves little surprises here and there to show how much we love and appreciate him.

44.  14 New Sub Boxes:  I love the boxes I get now, but I want to explore new and different.  I'm not adding on 14 permanent boxes, but want to explore and see what else is out there.

45.  Increase credit score by at least 45 points:  My credit took a beating with dumb choices in the past.  We worked hard in 2013 to pay down debt.  That is going to continue this year, along with seeing what else we can do to repair our credit.

46.  Cut debt by 20%:  See above.  

47.  Drink 1,000 cups of water:  I am horrible with my water consumption.  Like I probably don't even average a glass a day.  This isn't good for my health.  It isn't a good example for my kids.  And it isn't good for my milk supply since I'm nursing.  Absolutely must change.

So there you have it! It seems like a lot and slightly overwhelming when I put it all on (virtual) paper.  But, these are all things that are important to me, so I'm sticking to 'em.  I'm not sure yet how I will update.  Might be as I cross something off the list.  Maybe monthly.  Heck, maybe it will be a weekly update.  Not sure yet...

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