Addiction Announcement

They say the first step to recovery is admitting there's a problem.  But, what if it's not a problem you want to recover from? Then do you simply admit to the addiction and move forward? I think so!

Hi, my name is Shannon and I'm addicted to subscription boxes.  Reading reviews about them.  Debating which ones to sign up for.  Searching for the best codes before taking the leap.  Texting with my Sister about them (hi Erica!).  Waiting for them to arrive in my mailbox.  Opening them to see if I'm pleased with the contents.  In short, I love them!

Truth be told I'm kinda very late to this whole game.  Apparently these bad boys have been around for quite a long time, but I just recently bit the bullet and started signing up.  Currently, I have signed up for 5; but I'm also on the waiting list for 2 and just purchased a voucher on a bargain website for another.  And, we won't even talk about the post-it note I have on my computer at all times to make notes of new ones I'm hoping to try some day.  At last update there were about 25 on there ::hangs head in shame::
And, since I love reading so many other people's reviews I thought I would take my obsession one step further and start posting reviews of my own.  Be warned, if you are looking for posts full of sunshine and roses you should probably just step away now.  If it's a great box full of great products then it will get a great review.  But, if it's a complete dud then I will speak my mind about it and sometimes I don't know how to hold back.  Just sayin'

If you're still reading then I hope you will join me on this fun filled quest of anxiously awaiting for my Mailman to arrive (who comes ridiculously late in the day by the way!) to see if he has any goodies for me to share with you about...

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